Our Services
A range of services to help older people maintain their independence.
This busy and vital service gives older people a way to get to medical appointments and social wellbeing groups. Transport is provided by a dedicated group of volunteers, using their own cars for the service. Medical appointments can be to a local healthcare centre, or to larger facilities such as Kincardine Community Hospital, Stracathro, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and Ninewells. Our volunteers can also take people to social groups designed to alleviate social isolation, or provide support for health conditions. We ask for a donation for using this service.
This service aims to help older people who have difficulty with obtaining groceries and other shopping. We offer two services:
1. Home Delivery Service
2. Accompanied Shopping
If you require assistance with your shopping, please contact us and we will discuss the service with you. There is a small charge for this service.
Garden Maintenance
This service aims to help older people keep their gardens in good order. Our gardeners can help with grass cutting, weeding and general garden maintenance. There is a charge for this service.
To find out more about our services for older people, please contact us.

Company registered in Scotland number: 325854
Scottish Charity Number: SC038980