Your kind donation helps us provide a range of activities and services designed to counteract the effects of loneliness and isolation, financial hardship and exclusion that many of our older residents experience.
Donations can be made below by PayPal, debit card or credit card.
To donate by cheque instead, please make it out to Mearns & Coastal Healthy Living Network and send to 44 High Street, Laurencekirk AB30 1AB
Thank you very much.
Please note that we only accept donations which can be used expressly for the purpose and mission of MCHLN, and acceptance of any donation is at our discretion.
You should ensure that your donation does not jeopardize your financial security.
We do not provide advice about tax (or other treatment of donations) and encourage donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisers where appropriate.

Company registered in Scotland number: 325854
Scottish Charity Number: SC038980